Pretty Is...
What is Pretty Is…
My momma always told me "pretty is as pretty does." Every. Day. I mean it, every day of my teenage years she told me this before I left for basketball practice. And at first and because I was a typical teenager, I rolled my eyes and went on about my merry, little teenager life. But as I grew older, as I grew into a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend, it has come to mean so much to me. It has become my life's motto, and now, my life's work.
See Pretty Is As Pretty Does is so much more than a phrase. It means that being pretty on the outside means nothing if you aren't pretty on the inside. It means being pretty is so much more than beautiful lipstick, perfect curls, flawless skin. It means so much more than having gorgeous legs, the perfect butt, perky boobs. It is so much more than having all of your shit together, than creating the ideal family, than having the perfect job.
I believe that "Pretty Is As Pretty Does" means feeling confident. I definitely don't have all my shit together. Ask my kids. But I can fake it ‘til I make it, and that's what I do a lot of the time. I questions myself about everything - "am I too fat, am I too distracted, am I too lazy, do I really have what it takes to run this business and make money?" Fuck. I have no idea, but I will fake it ‘til I make it. I am CONFIDENT about that. I am confident that if I believe in myself, and give myself the opportunity to fail AND to win, that I can at least answer those questions. And that's all that matters.
And I am CONFIDENT that I can make you feel confident, too. And worth it. And beautiful, sexy, powerful and empowered. I know you will walk out of my doors feeling like you own the world - and then damnit - you go out and OWN THE WORLD! We deserve it. We 100% deserve it. It is your right to feel powerful. It is your right to feel desired. And I can help you feel that way.
It is more than just makeup and great hair. It is more than just beautiful outfits and high heels. It is more than just posing and looking pretty. It is what Pretty does. It is what is living inside of you. It is you.
So what does it mean to you? Being confident. Being sensual. Being sexy. Being empowered. And being okay with all of those things. Pretty is being comfortable being who you truly are.